Hong Kong Stocks(Last Update : 1 JUN 2019)
Trading Transaction
Item Charge
1. Standard Commission Rate 0.25% of transaction amount, Minimum: HK$100
This is standard commission rate, for enquiries, please contact your designated salesperson.
2. Standard Margin Interest Rate  Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Prime Rate + 5%
3. Stamp Duty 0.1% of transaction amount(Less than HK$1 also counted as HK$1)
4. Transaction Levy 0.0027% of transaction amount 
5. Trading Fee 0.005% of transaction amount
6. CCASS Fee  0.002% of transaction amount, Minimum HK$2, maximum HK$100
7. Italian Financial Transaction Tax
(Collected for Italian Government)
0.2% of transaction amount 

Item Charge
1. Transfer Deed Stamp Duty HK$5 per transfer deed
2. Physical Scrip Withdrawal HK$5 per board lot, minimum HK$100 
3. Physical Scrip Deposit Free of charge
4. Scrip Fee HK$1.5 per board lot or any part thereof (Div./Bonus) 
5. Scrip Fee on Out-of-money Rights Issues at Book Close Dates  Free of charge
6. Scrip Fee on the Delisting of Securities of Issuers Under Liquidation Free of charge
7. Real-time Settlement Instruction HK$300 (Please apply in advance)
8. S.I. - Scrip Delivery through CCASS  0.01% of stock market value on last trade day and HK$D100 handling fee
9. I.S.I - Scrip Delivery through CCASS  HK$30 per stock / per transaction
10. Scrip Receipt through CCASS  Free of charge

Nominee Services Charges
Item  Charge
1. Collection of Dividend 0.5% of dividend amount, minimum: HK$20/US$5/CNY20
(Maximum: HK$10,000/US$1,500/CNY10,000)
2. Collection of Rights Free of charge
3. Collection of Bonus Shares HK$20/US$5/CNY20 per stock/per transaction
4. Cash/Special Open/Condition Offer Charge Free of charge
5. Subscription of Rights and Warrants HK$1 per board lot and HK$30 handling fee
6. Handling Share Consolidation/Split Charge Free of charge
7. Subscription of Covered Warrants  Standard charge of registrar and issuer
HK$1 per board lot
HK$30 handling fee 

Other Services Charges
Item  Charge
1. Handling Charge of Unclaimed Entitlement HK$800 per contract and 0.5% of gross dividend amount,
minimum HK$20 
2. IPO Application  Cash Application (HK$/CNY Cleared): HK$50/CNY50 handling fee per application
Margin Application(HK$/CNY Cleared): HK$100/CNY100 handling fee per application
3. Returned Cheque HKD200 per application
4. Real-time Quotation Services Real-time per quote: HK$0.05 per quote; 15 minutes delay: Free of Charge
Streaming Quotation: HK$280 per month
5. Custody Fee Free of charge
6. Providing Statement upon Extra Request Requested statement within last 6 month : Free of Charge
6 month ago and within 7 years: HK$50 per requested month
7. Dormant Account of Over 1 Year (with Cash or Stock Hold)  HKD100 per year
8. Administration fee for Extra Document HK$200 per document
9. Negative Interest Rate
EURO - 0.7784%
YEN - 0.3891%
CHF - 1.7952%
(With effective from 1st Jun, 2021)

The above charges are subjected to changes without prior notice by Yuanta Securities (Hong Kong) Company Limited.
You can bring the following documents and come in person to YSHK office or branches to open your account:
  1. Identity proof
    (ID card or valid passport)
  2. Residential address proof
    (Public utilities bills, bank statement copies or / and documents issued by departments of the Hong Kong Government)
If you are opening a Corporate Account, please refer to the check list below: