Overseas Stocks
  Northbound Shanghai A Share | Taiwan | US | China B Shares | Singapore | Japan | UK | Swiss | Thailand |  
Australia | Korea | Malaysia | Indonesia
Northbound Shanghai/Shenzhen A Shares(Last Update: 1 Dec 2016)
Securities Trading Services
Item Charge
Commission  0.25% of transaction amount, minimum CNY$100
Handling Fee 0.00487% of the consideration of a transaction per side
Securities Management Fee 0.002% of the consideration of a transaction per side
Transfer Fee 0.004% of the consideration of a transaction per side (Effective on 15-8-2016)
Stamp Duty (for sell trade only) 0.1% of the consideration of a sell transaction

Item  Charge
Portfolio Fee (Refer to Note) Day-end portfolio amount x 0.008% / 365 x days of stock held within the month (Portfolio fee will be waived until 31 December 2015)
Collection of Dividend 0.5% of Total Dividend Amount. Minimum CNY20
Collection of Bonus Shares CNY20 per stock/per transcation
Scrip Receipt Through CCASS Free of Charge
S.I. - Scrip Delivery Through CCASS 0.01% of stock market value on last trade and CNY100 handling fee
Custody Charge Free of Charge
Real-time Quotation Services Real-time Price Quote for Top of the Book: Free of charge

Dividend Tax and Capital Gain Tax arrangement are subject to be confirmed with relevant regulators / authorities, please reach our company website for latest information.

Taiwan Shares(Last Update: 1 Jun 2017)
Trading Transaction Cost
Item  Charge
Brokerage  0.3% of transaction amount, minimum NT$500
Selling Tax (Only limit to sell orders) 0.3% of the consideration of a sell transaction;
0.1% of the consideration of a sell transaction for ETF listing at Taiwan Exchange
Custodian Bank Fee NTD$800 each stock per side

Nominee Services Charge
Item  Charge
Collection of Dividend 0.5% (minimum NT$600)
Collection of Bonus Shares NT$600 for each transaction
Rights Subscription NT$600 for each transaction
Dividend Tax Approximately 20% (according to custodian bank)
Bonus Shares Tax According to custodian bank

Item  Charge
Custody Fee 0.1% p.a. on the month-end portfolio value and charged monthly
T/T Charges NT$500 (collect for each FX transaction)
Returned Cheque Charge HK$100

Settlement Date
Two business days after trade day, i.e. T + 2 days (please deposit on T day or before).
US Shares (USD)
Item  Charge
Brokerage  US$0.05 per share or 2%  (whichever is lower)
Minimum: US$40
(No higher than 3%)
Transaction Levy 0.00221% of the consideration of a sell transaction

China B Shares (Last Update: 20 Feb 2018)
Trading Transaction Cost
Item Shenzhen B-shares  Shanghai B-Shares
Commission Please contact our sales representative Please contact our sales representative
Clearing Fee 0.05% of transaction amount 0.05% of the transaction amount
Stamp Duty (Only limit to sell orders) 0.1% 0.1% of the consideration of a sell transaction
Handling Fee  0.00487% of the consideration of a transaction per side  0.00487% of the consideration of a transaction per side 
Securities Management Fee  0.002% of the consideration of a transaction per side  0.002% of the consideration of a transaction per side 

Item  Shenzhen B-Shares  Shanghai B-Shares
Collection of Dividend 0.5% of total dividend amount, minimum HK$200 0.5% of total dividend amount, minimum US$5
Collection of Bonus Shares 0.5% of total dividend amount, minimum HK$200 0.5% of total dividend amount, minimum US$5
Dividend Tax / Bonus Shares Tax 10% of divident amount 10% of dividend amount
T/T Charges 0.1% of T/T amount, minimum: HK$100
maximum: HK$200
Returned Cheque Charge HK$100 HK$100

Singapore Shares (SGD)
Item  Charge
Brokerage  Please contact our sales representative
Clearing Fee  0.0325%
SGX Fee 0.0075% 

Japan Shares (JPY) 
Item Charge
Brokerage Please contact our sales representative

UK Shares (GBP)
Item  Charge
Brokerage  Please contact our sales representative
Stamp Duty (for Buy Transaction only) 0.5%

Swiss Shares (CHF) 
Item  Charge
Brokerage  Please contact our sales representative
Transaction Levy 0.01%

Thailand Shares (THB)
Item Charge
Brokerage Please contact our sales representative
V.A.T (on commission) 7%

Australia Shares (AUD)
Item Charge
Brokerage Please contact our sales representative


Korea Shares (KRW)
Item  Charge
Brokerage  Please contact our sales representative
Sales Tax (for Sell Transaction only) 0.25%

Malaysian Shares (MYR)
Item Charge
Brokerage Please contact our sales representative
Stamp Duty  0.1%
Maximum: MYR200
Clearing Fee  0.03%
Maximum: MYR1,000
Sales and Service Tax  6% on Comission (effective 1st March, 2019)

Indonesia Shares (IDR) 
Item Charge
Brokerage Please contact our sales representative
VAT (on comission) 10%
Transaction Levy 0.043%
Sales Tax (for Sell Transaction only) 0.1%

*For individual stock transactions, clients have to bear the incurred custodian bank transaction fees. For details, please contact your sales representative accordingly.

Note 1: Yuanta Securities (Hong Kong) Company Limited ("YSHK") will charge a refund fee of HK$100.
Note 2: The above charges are for reference only, and YSHK reserves the right to amend with prior notice. If you have any enquiries, please contact your sales representative or call our Customer Services Hotline at (852) 3555 7878.

You can bring the following documents and come in person to YSHK office or branches to open your account:
  1. Identity proof
    (ID card or valid passport)
  2. Residential address proof
    (Public utilities bills, bank statement copies or / and documents issued by departments of the Hong Kong Government)
If you are opening a Corporate Account, please refer to the check list below: